Waking up to the shelter's song

*Hello, Planet. is a pretty short and sweet sidescrolling platformer. It only takes about 20 minutes to beat if you know what you're doing, and probably no more than an hour. There's only four levels and two endings. Will you help Miku find the Master?

Tips & Tricks

The Goddamn Sphinx

The sphinx is the biggest hurdle to beating the game, even for Japanese players. To beat level 4 (the final level), you have to correctly answer about ten "riddles". These "riddles" - a random set of questions from a lengthy list - are really more like trivia, however. All but one of the questions (the classic "what walks on...") are based on the content of 23 letters the Master sent to Shelter 2 (the hub area). However, you don't see all letters right away: assuming you haven't died at all, you'd only have the first four letters. You get more letters by either dying, failing the sphinx's challenge, or returning to the Shelter via the "cache memory" (Miku's headphones). Fortunately, vgperson translated all the letters and almost all the possible questions here. If you know a little bit of hiragana/katakana, you should be able to get by.


There are two endings, which I'll call the Normal Ending and the Secret Ending. The Normal Ending is ripped straight from the original song: Miku finds the Master's grave, and her tears allow the potted plant to grow so tall she's sent straight up to heaven. In reality, she died (presumably due to sorrow and the corrosive rain). Watch it here.

The Secret Ending is only obtainable if you collect all 50 music notes (which are distributed mostly-evenly throughout the four levels) and water the plant upon doing so. Miku trips, breaking the pot, and is very upset about it. The spirit of Luka (of The "WANDERLAST") appears to revive the Master, and disappears. They cry in each other's arms and plant more potted plants. They then receive a letter (possibly from Rin of The Week End is Coming, posthumously?), which reads "keep you and your beloved precious." Watch it here.

Movie Transcripts

The text in the OP and Secret ED movies goes by a little fast, so I'll transcribe it here. The Secret ED was translated by vgperson, and you can find that somewhere on this page, as a footnote to her translyrics of the song. PHP is a pain.

Opening: V
Character JPN ENG Notes
Master きょうもでてこないや。。。
Master たいせつなものだから、
Master どうしてもきみにみせたかったんだ。
Master すぐにもどってくるから。
Miku きみを きみを さがしにいきたいの。。。 I want to search for you, I do, I swear I'll go and find you... Line taken directly from *Hello, Planet.
Secret Ending: V
Character JPN ENG Notes
Luka たびのおわりにゆめみたものよ。。。 At the end of your journey, you dream... Line taken directly from The "WANDERLAST"
Luka じぶんもあいするひとも もういない。 I, too, no longer have the one I love.
Miku ... ...
Luka でも、 But,
Luka きみはちがった。 You are different.
Luka せめて、 At the least,
Luka きみときみのあいするひとには。 You and your beloved... Part of the letter in the ending.
Miku ? ?
Miku ! !
Luka "しずかにねむっている" のなら。 If he's merely "resting in peace"... "しずかにねむっている" is derived from a similar line from *Hello, Planet.
Luka あなたがおこしてあげればいい。 then you should wake him up.
Miku オハヨー ハヨー… Oh hello, ohello... Line taken directly from *Hello, Planet.
Miku オハヨー ハヨー…!! Oh hello, ohello...!! Line taken directly from *Hello, Planet.
Master ひとりにして、ごめんね。 I'm sorry I left you alone.
Master あいたかった。 I wanted you here... Part of a line from *Hello, Planet.
Miku でも、うえきばち…。 But, the flowerpot...
Master だいじょうぶ。 It's fine.
Master また みずをあげればいい。 We can just water it again.
Master きみといっしょなら As long as I'm with you...
Master なんねんかかるか わからないけど… however many years it might take...
Master きっと…。 I'm sure.

Web Widget

Back when Flash was a thing, SEGA released a web widget featuring Miku's sprites from the song/game. Here's a blog post about it. It displayed four animations at random. Here's an archive of the page with the necessary code - unfortunately the widget is broken. It seems only the main swf was archived, while the individual animations (1, 2, 3, and 4) were separate swf files, which were not preserved.

When major browsers ended support for Flash, SEGA removed all trace of the widget. I think it might be possible to recreate it (everything was made with in-game sprites, so...), but I don't have that kind of skill.

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